Department of



The mathematics department of Marian Senior Secondary School has a cumulative experience of 164 years, we strive to inculcate scientific temper through mathematics by learning it systematically. In our school we also try to make mathematics an enjoyable subject.

Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor.

In order to develop math skills, we have introduced the Math Lab through which the students could do various activities and learn mathematical concepts as if it is in a game or puzzle. For teaching Maths effectively, we have introduced Hey Math App. It provides animated videos games diagnostic tests, worksheet quiz etc. We are preparing our students for Math Olympiad, Math Talent Search and AIMS Talent Search Exam every year and our students excel in all these. In connection with National Mathematical day, we conduct quiz, mathematics exhibition etc.

  • Smart Enabled classrooms powered by Edu Comp to engage with students
  • Math lab for solving puzzles | Competitions for students to showcase their Math skills

Our Faculty

Department Contact Info

Department Staff Room

+91-62827 07930
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Department Microsite