The Library

Marian School Library

Your information hub, Your center of excellence

Library is the heart of an institution.

DR. S. RadhakrishnanFormer President of INDIA | Philosopher | Teacher

Library is a treasure house of knowledge and source of inspiration to young minds in school.

Marian School Library since its inception in 1983, believes in Investing in Excellence and to inculcate reading as a life long habit and make books a life long friend. 

The library has a collection of 10500 books as per accession register. We Subscribe to 26 periodicals & 8 News papers to cater to the needs of all level of students and staff. Other Resources include previous years CBSE Board exam question papers of class X & XII and previous years question paper of Class VI-XI

Classification System that has been adopted is in accordance with the Dewey Decimal Classification.

Books are arranged subject wise and broadly Classified by DDC, Alphabetical Order – Authors name

At the time of accessing of new books, the technical work would be performed

Issue System

  • Browne System is used
  • Follows closed access system

A student can borrow one book for a period of one week. For preparation of projects and assignments more number of books are issued. Staff members can borrow books as per their academic needs.

Library staffing:
The library consisting of Librarian and an attender.
Every year, Student librarians are Selected and trained to assist the librarian in performing Various Jobs such as Stamping of new books, pasting labels, preparing list of new books, arranging exhibition books, doing minor repair of books and so on

Our Prime Objectives

  • To inculcate reading habits among students
  • To cultivate love towards books, reading and library
  • To equip students with life long learning skills, develop creativity, imagination, innovation and critical thinking
  • To instill values and life skills
  • To enhance student's personal growth
  • To facilitate student-teacher collaborative learning practices
  • To stimulate Quest for Knowledge

Library Rules

  • Make the very best use of Your School Library
  • The books in the library belong to the school
  • Respect Books
  • The library will open at the same times as the School. However, the Issue and Return books will stop 30 minutes before closing of the school
  • Students will be given Reader tickets for borrowing library books.
  • You should return the borrowed books on the due date stamped on the Date label
  • In case the book is lost or damaged while in your possession, you will be required to replace the book by a new copy of the same
  • Students are not allowed to bring Personal books or books of other library personal belongings such as bags, umbrella etc into the library
  • Your school library belongs to you. Please ensure the safety and avoid causing damage to its property fittings, furniture, floor or walls
  • Make sure that No one removes any page from Books, Newspapers magazine, No one puts any mark, drawings with a pen or pencil on any of the library book

Functional Activities

  • Library Orientation sessions for classes V-XII
  • Preparation of book issue cards / borrowers ticket
  • Data Collection for the membership card
  • Constitution of Library Committee, Marian Library Jyothi – Readers club & Quiz club
  • Issue of books for Primary Section Class Library to Headmaster
  • Final reminder of overdue books
  • Renewal of subscription to periodicals / news papers
  • Starting the circulation of books
  • Inauguration of Marian Library Jyothi – Reader’s Club & Quiz Club..
  • National Reading, Reading Week, Reading Month Celebrated every year on June 19th with great zest main objective behind the whole activities is to bring out the ideas, creativity and imagination of the students.
  • Meeting of the Readers Club and selection of Student librarians
  • Celebrating important days by Conducting Quiz & exhibition of books related to the days Ex:-Independence day.
  • School conducts minimum 2 Book Fairs – Scholastic India Book Fair is conducted every year
  • Display of new arrivals list regularly as and when needed 
  • Book selection and accessioning as and when needed.
  • Evaluation of Book reviews & Checking of school diaries (library book page) Class V-X
  • Display of Career guidance related materials.

Services Provided By the Library

  • Issue books to students for home use
  • A recall system for overdue books
  • Reissue of books by a user may be allowed maximum thrice.
  • Newly purchased books should not be issued to any user for at least one month but should be displayed as new arrivals
  • Dictionaries, Encyclopedias etc would not be issued Only subject reference books from Reference section would be issued for home use on those days when the successive day is a holiday. The books will have to be returned on the next working day.
  • In case a user loses a book he/she would have to either replace the book or deposit three times the price of the book in school office
  • Magazines & Periodicals also be issued for a week only, not the latest issues, A separate Register Should be maintained for this purpose
  • Reference Service
  • Current Awareness Service – To keep the students abreast of current development in their respective fields of interest as quickly and efficiently possible
  • Press Clipping Service
  • Graded reading list – At select list of books available in the library on the given Subject may be exhibited and circulated among the interested groups of Reader’s Club

February - Deadline for Returning of Class Library Books

  • Reminder to defaulters
  • Stopping Circulation of books to student
  • Select best readers – Once in a year for the best users from each class
  • Select Best Summaries, from each class
  • Award certificates to the winners
  • Stock Verification, Preparation of book list for binding, Preparation of list of books recommended for “Weeding out”
  • Selling of the Old news books is papers, magazines and written off books

Our Faculty

Cumulative Experience
Department's Total Years of Teaching Experience

Department Contact Info

Department Staff Room

+91-62827 07930
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Department Microsite